Sea Moss Benefits

Irish Chondrus Crispus aka Sea Moss
  • Mineral Rich Algae
  • 92 of 102 minerals that the body needs
  • Promotes digestion 
  • Anti inflammatory 
  • Anti aging properties 
  • Boosts metabolism 
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-viral
  • Natural Decongestant 
  • Promotes muscle and joint pain/recovery
  • Helps skin health 
  • Muscle food
  • Used as a treatment to help relieve cold and flu like symptoms 
  • Rich in vitamins & minerals
  • Boosts energy 
  • Boost mental health, great variety of potassium. 



  • Only 3tbs daily for maximum benefits!


100% Pure, Vegan, Raw, Ireland Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss